Partnership and M&A

Consulting for medium-sized companies looking to implement a partnership or transactions

We support you with partnerships, acquisitions and sales, fundraising, MBOs, MBIs, spin-offs and company successions. We manage the entire process from preparation to the final negotiations.

How we proceed

Step 1: Preparation

  • clarification of the partnership or transaction objectives, and the equity story
  • indicative valuation with the Maker Pass
  • preparation of business plans, presentations, and information memoranda

Step 2: Approaching potential partners

  • research, selection, and approach of potential partners
  • preparation and/or analysis and negotiation of offers and letters of intent
  • coordination of communication measures regarding stakeholders

Step 3 (for tranactions): Due Diligence

  • support with the compilation of the virtual dataroom
  • preparation of Q&A sessions and management presentations
  • coordination and support of the entire due diligence process

Step 4: Contract Conclusion

  • development of possible partnership and transaction structures
  • support in negotiations until contract completion

Let’s start with the Maker Pass.

Your Benefits

With our support

  • you gain suitable partners,
  • achieve a high company valuation,
  • you will be excellently guided through the process,
  • keep all essential factors in view.